Persona 5 is Missing What Made Persona 4 So Great

Full Persona 4 Spoilers & Minor Persona 5 Spoilers

I’m still slowly making my way through Persona 5 — while I do think it’s a fantastic role-playing game that builds upon Persona 4 in just about every way possible, it’s missing an element of its predecessor that I loved, murder mystery.
I will admit, maybe I am easily caught off guard, but the ending of Persona 4 totally surprised me. The entire game I couldn’t quite figure who was behind all of the bizarre murders taking place Inaba. Gathering the group around a table and having long discussions about who we think the killer could be are some of my favorite memories with the game. Little did I know, the culprit was right under our noses the entire game. I gasped when the realization of Tohru Adachi being the killer set in. The character was splendidly written so that the player would never suspect such a dopey and nice fella to perform acts of murder and betrayal.
As I mentioned above, I’ve still not completed Persona 5. However, I’m 60 hours into the title and suspect that I’m almost 3/4 the way through the game — one thing I’m certain of is that there’s no murder mystery element. Instead, the game tells you early on that someone in your group has betrayed you. Unfortunately, that story thread isn’t nearly as interesting as someone murdering and throwing people in a TV world. Not to say there aren’t any other crazy shenanigans going on in Persona 5, the story is well crafted and the characters are a joy to be around. I just can’t help but feel the game is missing an overarching plot element that would keep me more engaged.

I Could Still Be Proven Wrong

Maybe things start to get insanely different later on. The final third of the game could definitely change how I feel if I am completely caught off guard on who betrays the group, and their motive in doing so. It just doesn’t seem very likely.

Persona 4 Golden was the first game in the series that I played. Needless to say, it totally caught me off guard and quickly become one of my favorite games of all time. It was after falling in love with Persona 4 Golden that I checked out previous games in the series. Persona 3 also quickly became a favorite RPG of mine, although I thought earlier games in the franchise didn’t offer the same amount of charm with its characters or writing.

Persona 5 is much better than Persona 4 in the gameplay department, there’s no denying that. But I firmly believe Persona 4 tells a more interesting and engaging story. Maybe I hold Persona 4 too near and dear to my heart because it was my first Persona game? I won’t pretend like that’s not a possibility. But Persona 5’s ‘stealing hearts’ concept just doesn’t pull me in the same as Persona 4’s TV world/murderer/overall plot. I would love if the next mainline entry brought back a murder mystery element, as I think it helps build a better connection with the game’s characters.

Does it really matter? No, I’m sure I’ll love Persona 6 either way. Did you complete Persona 5 yet? What did you think of the game’s plot? Leave all your thoughts in the comments section below, or on our social media page.

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